Do you have questions about Omni?
Ask McMaster Libraries!
If an item is available online in Omni, it can be accessed by clicking Available Online > and selecting a link in the View Online section of the full record. Some online items (usually articles) may also have a Download PDF or Read Article (i.e., HTML) link that will take you directly to the full text in the format selected. You may be prompted to login with your to view the full text.
NOTE: Some online resources may not be available immediately if the resource has a limit on the number of simultaneous users. Try accessing the resource again later. If access problem persists, consult this FAQ for troubleshooting tips.
Example: eBook - Click Available Online > and select a link in the View Online section
Example: Online article in a journal - If available, select Download PDF or Read Article link OR click Available Online and select a link in the View Online section
McMaster alumni have limited off-campus access to e-resources due to licensing restrictions. Please see Online Resources for Alumni to register and access a subset of e-resources that can be used remotely by alumni. More online resources can be accessed on-campus by alumni (and other users) with a guest internet account which can be requested in-person from the Mills or Thode Service Desks (1st floor).
Physical materials in Omni will typically display a library (e.g., Thode Library), a location within the library (e.g., Thode Library Bookstacks) and a call number (e.g., QB 981.T96 2004), all of which are needed to retrieve the item.
Example: Print book
A call number is a unique code given to each physical item in the library. It identifies the subject and location (address) of an item in a library's collection.
Mills, Innis and Thode libraries at McMaster arrange most items using LC (Library of Congress) Classification whereas the Health Sciences Library at McMaster uses NLM (National Library of Medicine) Classification. Both classification systems use a combination of letters and numbers for call numbers (e.g., The book Public health: what it is and how it works has LC Call Number: RA 445 .T86 2016 at Thode Library and NLM Call Number: WA 540 AA1 .T95P 2016 at the Health Sciences Library).
Video: How to Read a Call Number (2:48)
This video describes how you read a call number so that you can find out where the book lives on the shelf.
Video Transcript (PDF) | Video Transcript (.docx)
Infographic: How to Read a Call Number Infographic: Call Number Guide by Subject
Video: How to Find a Book in the Stacks using a Call Number (1:05)
This video describes how to use a call number to locate a book on a shelf in the library.
To learn about borrowing policies (e.g., loan periods) and services, consult the relevant department at McMaster.
Borrowing materials from other libraries is not available to alumni, external borrowers, community borrowers or retirees (with the exception of retired faculty and librarians). Contact your local public library for interlibrary loan services.
To request an Available item in McMaster Libraries for hold and pickup ...
Choose a Preferred Pickup University from the drop-down menu.
McMaster University is the default institution, but you can pickup physical items at any Omni partner institution listed.
Choose a Preferred Library from the drop-down menu.
Terms of Use displays the loan period available (i.e., 120 days) and typically cannot be adjusted.
In Cancel request if not available by, select a date when it's okay for the request to expire or be cancelled. NOTE: This date won't change how quickly an item arrives, but if the item arrives after the date noted, it will move on to the next person on the waiting list.
In Comment, enter any other relevant details related to the request.
Select Send Request
To request an item not available locally (e.g., item on loan, item not part of McMaster's collections) for hold and pickup ...
Review and ensure the item details in the form are correctly noted (i.e., Citation type - Book or Article, Title, Author, etc.). If the ISBN or ISSN is not already noted, enter "unknown" in this section of the form.
Tick the checkbox "I only need a specific chapter or pages" to request a digital copy of a single chapter or article from the item. Include the chapter/article title and page range of the desired content in the form. The majority of digital requests are delivered by email within 24 hours. A digital copy of the entire item from another library cannot be fulfilled due to licensing and copyright restrictions.To request the entire physical item, leave this box unchecked.
Choose a Preferred Pickup University from the drop-down menu. McMaster University is the default institution, but you can pickup physical items at any Omni partner institution listed.
Once a university is selected, choose a Preferred Library from the next drop-down menu (if displayed).
Choose a Preferred McMaster Pickup location from the drop-down menu. This selection is mandatory in case the partner institution cannot ship the requested physical item to your preferred pickup university.
In Comment, enter any other relevant details related to the request.
Select Send Request
Requesting materials from other Omni libraries is not available to alumni, external borrowers, community borrowers or retirees (with the exception of retired faculty and librarians). Contact your local public library for interlibrary loan services.
To request a scan of ONE article or ONE chapter from an item only available in print format ...
Enter the title of the chapter or article of interest.
Enter the author of the chapter or article of interest.
Indicate the start and end page of the chapter or article.
In Comment, enter any other relevant details related to the scanning request.
In Cancel request if not available by, select a date when it's okay for the scanning request to expire or be cancelled.
Click Send Digitization Request
Some scanning requests may be denied for the following reasons:
The scanning service is not available to alumni, external borrowers, community borrowers or retirees (with the exception of retired faculty and librarians).
If an item is not available through our Omni partner institutions, it can be requested from other resource sharing partners in Canada or internationally via interlibrary loan (I.L.L.). NOTE: Requests for items outside the Omni network of libraries may take longer to arrive and may have shorter loan periods and limited renewal options.
If the item you need is not included in Omni (even when Expand search beyond McMaster's collection is selected), or you already know the citation information of the item you want, you can use a blank request form in Omni to get it from another library.
To learn more about interlibrary loan services at McMaster, consult the relevant interlibrary loan department.
NOTE: As of May 1, 2023, RACER (Rapid Access to Collections by Electronic Requesting) is no longer available to submit interlibrary loan requests. Omni should now be used for all interlibrary loan requests. To make a request for an item that cannot be located using Omni, use the Omni blank request form.
Borrowing from other libraries is not available to alumni, external borrowers, community borrowers or retirees (with the exception of retired faculty and librarians). Contact your local public library for interlibrary loan services.
Once you've submitted a request, you can check on its status or progress when you Sign in to Omni (top right).
Once signed in, select My Requests from the drop-down menu.
Everything you've requested via Omni should be listed in My Requests.
When requested items are ready, you will be notified by e-mail.
Delivery times of items can vary for a variety of reasons, but physical items (e.g., books) typically arrive in 2 to 5 days and online items (e.g., articles) can take 24-48 hours. NOTE: Requests for physical items outside the Omni network of libraries (i.e., a McMaster Resource Sharing Library) may take longer to arrive and may have shorter loan periods and limited renewal options.
If there's a Renew button beside an item, click it for an automatic renewal. NOTE: Not all requested items are renewable.