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A Guide to Omni

A guide to Omni, an academic search tool that gives you access to information resources from McMaster and other participating Ontario university libraries.

My Library Account

UPDATE: Changes to library authentication occurred on Dec 12, 2022.  If you are you no longer able to Sign in to Omni / My Library Account, please contact the University Library or Health Sciences Library for assistance.

Sign in to Omni (top right) or login here to view My Library Account.

My Library AccountOnce you've signed in, your name displays in the top right corner of the screen. Click on your name to see options.

  • My Library Account displays Overview | Loans | Requests | Fine + Fees | Blocks + Messages | Personal Details
  • My Loans displays your current loans, along with their due dates.
    • Loans are listed separately by institution in the All Institutions column
    • Due dates are noted in Month-Day-Year format. For example, 09/08/2023 is September 8, 2023.
    • To extend the due date of items listed in Loans, select the renew option next to the item Renew button in Omni
      NOTE: Not all items can be renewed. Items borrowed from outside the Omni network of libraries (i.e., other resource sharing partners in Canada or internationally via interlibrary loan) may have shorter loan periods and no renewal options.
  • My Requests displays your requests and their status.
  • My Favourites displays the items you've previously pinned/saved to your favourites. This is remembered between browser sessions, until you remove them.
  • Search History shows the searches you've run during your current browser session. You can run them again, or pin/save them to Favourites so they are remembered for later.
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