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A Guide To At Home Media

This guide explains how to create quality digital media at home.

Setting Up A Room To Record

Sample Room Set-Up

Below is a diagram explaining how simple adjustments to a living room can impact audio recording quality.



Drawing of a typical living room



Drawing of a living room with adjustments made.

Close the curtains

Fabric is an excellent sound-absorber. As you close the curtains, you are creating more fabric surface area, which will reduce echo in your audio recording.

Turn off electronics

Electronics, such as televisions are sources of background noise. Even when on a low volume or muted, these devices omit electrical noise, which are audio waves that can be picked up by microphones. It is best to turn off or unplug these devices.

Close air vents

Blowing air is a source of background noise. This makes for an even worse recording when the circulation system turns on and off throughout the recording – This can be difficult to edit out. Either close any vents near you, or better yet, turn the system off while you record.

Remove additional sources of noise

Quietly sit in the recording space and listen for any additional sources of noise, such as ticking clocks. Remove these from your recording environment.

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