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Mechanical Engineering - Graduate

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Books about physics are located in the QC section. Oversized books are shelved in the Folio section. Major QC subclasses include:

QC1-75 General physics
QC81-114 Weights and measures
QC120-168 Descriptive and experimental mechanics
QC170-197 Atomic physics
QC221-246 Acoustics. Sound
QC251-338 Heat

- QC310-319

- Thermodynamics
QC350-457 Optics. Light
QC474-496 Radiation physics (General)
QC501-776 Electricity and magnetism
QC770-798 Nuclear and particle physics
QC801-908 Geophysics. Cosmic physics.
811-849 Geomagnetism
851-999 Meteorology. Climatology


Conference Proceedings

AIP Conference Proceedings
The Library owns various volumes in the AIP Conference Proceedings series and has online access to all volumes published from 1970-1997 and 2002-present. 


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