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McMaster Experts - Updated Version: McMaster Experts Overview

This guide covers changes that have been made to the McMaster Experts Profile Manager interface as of May 29, 2023.

Experts Overview

What is McMaster Experts?

McMaster Experts presents a comprehensive portrait of research at McMaster by highlighting and connecting researchers’ affiliations, expertise, experience, publications, and other forms of scholarly activity and output. “McMaster Experts” is a term that can be used two refer to two connected services.

McMaster Experts profiles feature affiliations, educational background, areas of expertise, research interests, and a publication record. The information in the profiles is populated by the Experts Profile Manager.

The McMaster Experts Profile Manager is a Research Information Management System (RIMS) that provides a centralized, reusable scholarly activity record for all faculty members. The publications module is a core component of the McMaster Experts Profile Manager. This module automatically searches through numerous publication databases (Web of Science, PubMed, Dimensions, and MLA, among others) to find academic works (journal articles, presentations, etc.) belonging to McMaster authors. Below are instructions to assist with configuring an Experts profile for publication claiming.

Key Activities for Profile Set-up

Using the following suggested workflow will help you streamline profile configuration and optimize automatic publication claiming to automate publication claiming as much as possible.

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager using your MacID and password (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. If you have an ORCID iD, follow the instructions in the ORCID integration user guide to enable read/write functionality between ORCID and Experts.
  3. Claim or add any of your suggested personal identifiers in the “Automatic Claiming” settings (Scopus ID, Research ID, Dimensions ID). See the Claiming Personal Identifiers guide for further instructions.

Steps 2 and 3 above will make it easier to automatically claim the bulk of your existing and future publications. Whenever a publication is found in a database with a personal identifier that matches one claimed to your profile, it will be automatically added to your Claimed list, without the need for further approval.

  1. With the personal identifiers claimed, you can now review any publications that remain in the “Pending” queue and either claim or reject them. You can consult the Claiming and Adding Scholarly Works user guide for further instructions.
  2. If any of your publications are missing at this stage, you can add them in two additional ways:

Steps 1-5 will ensure that your profile accurately and completely captures your publication record, and will optimize automatic publication claiming to reduce the amount of manual approval and input needed going forward. The following additional steps can help you further optimize your profile, fulfill Open Access publication requirements, and improve the consistency and accuracy of other, connected research profiles.

  1. Customizing Search Settings
  2. Claiming Personal Identifiers in External Systems
  3. Depositing Publications to MacSphere

McMaster Experts

McMaster Experts presents a comprehensive portrait of McMaster faculty research activities via a dynamic web profile featuring affiliations, educational background, areas of expertise, research interests, and a full record of publications. It also maps relationships between faculty at McMaster and facilitates forging new collaborations.

At its core, McMaster Experts aims to facilitate collaboration among academic researchers and spark increased engagement with other communities in academia, industry, and the media, locally, nationally, and internationally.

Visitors can easily search McMaster Experts by researcher name, research area, or department.

McMaster Experts is an implementation of VIVO, an open source researcher networking and discovery application originally developed at Cornell University and used globally by major research institutions to gather and publicize their research activity to the broadest possible audience. Publication data display, meanwhile, uses Symplectic’s Elements, a Research Information Management system that pulls information from multiple bibliographical sources.

McMaster Experts resulted from a collaboration between the McMaster’s University LibraryResearch and High Performance Computing Support, in addition to support from Communications and Public Affairs, and University Technology Services.

CC License

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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