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McMaster Experts - Updated Version: Managing Your Experts Profile

This guide covers changes that have been made to the McMaster Experts Profile Manager interface as of May 29, 2023.

Managing Your Profile


Faculty members (and any of their designated delegates) can manage the information on their Experts profile by logging into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager, which is a separate Research Information Management System that populates McMaster Experts profiles with information.

Accessing the Experts Profile Management Console

  • The Experts Profile Manager can be accessed at
  • Users can also access this system from McMaster Experts by clicking on any of the “Manage My Profile” links below.

McMaster Experts Profile


Logging Into the Experts Profile Manager

  1. Navigate to the McMaster Experts Profile Manager login page.
  2. Enter your MacID and password to log into the system.
  3. If you encounter an error while logging in, please contact the support team by emailing Please note: your MacID is managed by University Technology Service (UTS). MacID services and support are available through UTS.

McMaster Research Profile Manager login page

Overview of Delegates

Delegates can be created to curate an Experts profile on behalf of an individual faculty member. Departmental delegates can also be created to curate profiles for all faculty members in a department where appropriate.

Steps to Create a Delegate for an Individual Profile

  1. Verify that the delegate has an existing profile in the McMaster Experts Profile Manager. If they do not, the delegate should contact McMaster Experts support ( for access to the Experts account sign-up form. The new account will be created within 1-2 business days of form submission. Please note: account owner confirmation is required for delegate access to be granted.
  2. Once the delegate’s account has been activated, the faculty member should log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager.
  3. Navigate to Menu > My Profile, then select “Manage delegates” under the Settings menu (3 horizontal lines in top left corner of screen):

    McMaster Experts Profile Manager main menu

    McMaster Research Profile Manager menu navigation to assign profile delegate: Menu>My Profile>Settings>Manage Delegates
  4. 4. Under the “Manage Delegates” heading, enter the last name of the delegate you would like to add in the “Name” field.
  5. 5. Select the name you would like to add, then click the blue "Add delegate" button to complete the operation:

Name-based search to add a delegate to a profile


Creating a Departmental Delegate

  1. Verify that the delegate has an existing profile in the McMaster Experts Profile Manager. If they do not, they will need to reach out to for some additional instructions.
  2. The request for access should be accompanied by confirmation from an appropriate departmental administrator (Chair or Director) to confirm that the requestor should have permission to edit profiles and/or run reports.
  3. The McMaster Experts support team will follow-up with further instruction, if needed.


In partnership with Human Resources, the HR Mosaic Sustainment Team has created a new employee self-service page in Mosaic for faculty members to list and update the name variants that they use in their professional work. By updating this information, faculty members can improve the operation of various McMaster systems and customize how their details are displayed on public-facing webpages.

In addition to the pre-existing HR Biographical name--which will continue to be used for the majority of HR purposes (e.g. tax reporting to CRA and other internal distributions)--users can add a "Preferred Name" as a preferred display name variant for public-facing profile pages, including for their McMaster Experts profile.

Users will also be able to add an ORCID ID, if applicable. If you have registered for an ORCID ID, please enter it in the 'Add ID' portion of the page. Once updated, University-wide systems such as McMaster Experts will use this information to customize researcher profile pages, and improve its automatic publication claiming process.


Updating Your Preferred Name or Publishing Name

1. Go into the Mosaic Portal

2. Click through the path: Navigator > Human Resources > Self Service > Personal Information > Faculty & Researcher Info

Mosaic Navigation Menu to Human Resources

Mosaic Navigator - HR Self Service

Mosaic Navigator - HR  Self Service Personal Information

Mosaic Navigator - HR Personal Information, Faculty and Researcher Info

3. Click on the highlighted arrow depending on which name you wish to update, or click on the highlighted “Add ID” button to add an ORCID ID:

Faculty and Researcher Info

4. Amend name details as appropriate on the following page. PLEASE NOTE: McMaster Experts will only display the information entered in the "Preferred First Name" and "Preferred Last Name" fields. If you have a second or middle name that you would like to see displayed, please enter these in either the "Preferred First Name" or "Preferred Last Name" fields:

Mosaic Personal Information - Preferred Name

5. (Optional) To add the ORCID ID, update the details on the following page:

Mosaic Faculty and Researcher Info - ORCID iD

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your HR Representative. Contact information can be found at the following links:

Faculty of Health Sciences HR Office:

HR Service Centre:


McMaster Experts profiles pull information from a research information management system called the “McMaster Experts Profile Manager”. Information in the Experts profile is managed via this Profile Manager.

Accessing and Editing Your Research Profile

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide to logging into the profile manager is available)
  2. From the landing page, click on "EDIT MY PROFILE" option on the profile card:
    Edit profile from Research Profile Manager homepage
  3. In the top section of the editable profile, you can upload a profile photo or add email addresses in addition to your McMaster email account.
    Please Note: When uploading a photo, where possible, please provide a photo with square dimensions, up to a max resolution of 400x400 pixels. Using a photo with an unequal aspect ratio may impact the quality of the image displayed.
  4. Tabs beneath the profile photo allow you to view and edit other information about your professional activities, such as publications, teaching, and grants:
    • The "About" tab allows the user to input information such as research and teaching overviews, links to external web pages, educational history, areas of research areas, etc.​
    • The “Publications” tab allows the user to manage their publication list (see Managing Your Publications for more information)

McMaster Research Profile Manager edit mode



Changing Email Addresses and Visibility

All McMaster Experts profiles are pre-populated with an institutional email addresses that is imported from HR records. Institutional emails are set to be visible in McMaster Exerts ("Match profile: Public") by default, but can be removed from public profiles by setting privacy to "Always internal".

Additional email addresses can be added in the "Email Addresses" section, and their public visibility controlled by privacy settings:

  • Email addresses set to "Match profile: Public" will be publicly visible on McMaster Experts
  • Email addresses set to "Always internal" or "Always private" will not be shared on McMaster Experts


McMaster Experts automatically pulls appointments from Mosaic; however, sometimes faculty members may have additional appointments which are not captured in Mosaic. This page will walk you through adding additional appointments to your Experts profile.

Steps to Add an Appointment to Your Profile

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. From the landing page, click on the "EDIT MY PROFILE" option on the profile card:
    Edit profile from Research Profile Manager homepage
  3. Scroll down to the “Experience” heading, and select the option to “Add an academic appointment” under “Academic appointments":
    Add an academic appointment to a profile in the McMaster Research Profile Manager
  4. Add applicable appointment details and click "Save":
    Input fields for an academic appointment in a profile in the McMaster Research Profile Manager


McMaster Experts profiles pull information from a research information management system called the “McMaster Experts Profile Manager”. Information in the Experts profile is managed via this Profile Manager.

Accounts are created automatically for all faculty members. Non-faculty members at McMaster can request a McMaster Experts Profile Manager account and a corresponding McMaster Experts profile page by completing a short online form.

Why Create a Non-faculty Account?

Non-faculty members may want to create an account for one or both of the following reasons:

  1. To manage other faculty members' profiles as a delegate (see the Assigning a Delegate tab).
  2. To create and curate their own McMaster Experts research profile page.

Creating a Non-faculty Account

Please contact McMaster Experts support ( for access to the Experts account sign-up form.

  • Note that selecting Yes to the final question on the form will result in the creation of a public profile on McMaster Experts. If you do not wish to have one (i.e. you are creating an account to manage other profiles), select No.

Please Note: The account will become available 1-2 business days after the registration form is submitted.

Once an account is created, you will be able to log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager using your MacID credentials.


McMaster Experts profiles include an area where researchers can provide a brief biography, or overview of their research. There may times when it would be helpful to include hyperlinks to webpages in the text of this overview, but this functionality is not included in the default editor for the Overview field of the “About” section in the McMaster Experts Profile Manager.

Fortunately, it is possible to insert links using HTML tags.


Inserting HTML Links in an Experts Bio

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. Navigating to edit your profile (a guide on accessing and editing your research profile is available).
  3. Under the "About" section, find the "Overview" field, then click on "Add":
    Adding a bio to the Overview field of a McMaster Research Profile Manager
  4. Enter the text for your bio or overview as normal - noting that anywhere you would like to include a link, you must use the following format: <a href="insert_url_here"> insert_hyperlink_title</a>

    In the string above, insert_url_here” refers to the web address to which you’d like to link, and “insert_hyperlink_title” refers to how the text will show on the Experts Profile.
    For example, if the following <a href=""> Google Search</a> is inserted into the Overview field, the text will appear as “Google Search” and clicking on the link will direct to
    NOTE: "https://" must be included in the URL

    Example HTML link format in an Experts bio in the "Overview" field of a profile




The McMaster Experts profile includes a section for research area labels. These labels use a controlled vocabulary for key research words or terms in order to facilitate classification, searchability, and collaboration. There are 4 types of labels available for use – they can be added to the Experts profile via the McMaster Experts Profile Manager. Note that all these labels use controlled vocabularies.


This scheme allows you to describe what kinds of opportunities you are interested in being contacted about such as industry projects, mentoring or media enquiries.

McMaster Specific Research Areas

A local ontology meant to capture research clusters and institutes associated with McMaster University. For enquiries, please email the Experts Support Team at

Research Areas

Canadian Areas of Research are research area classifications defined by the Canadian Research and Development Classification.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Steps to Add Labels

The steps to add labels to your McMaster Experts profile from within the McMaster Experts Profile Manager are the same regardless of the type of label being added.

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. From the landing page, click on the "EDIT MY PROFILE" option on the profile card:
    Edit profile from Research Profile Manager homepage
  3. Scroll to the "Labels" section heading.
  4. Click the "Add labels" button for the type of label you would like to add:
    View of the field to add labels to a McMaster Experts profile
  5. Add the appropriate label from the controlled vocabulary and select "Add":
    Editing and adding labels to a McMaster Experts Profile from the Profile Manager
  6. Once all desired labels from the category have been added, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the window:
    Saving labels to a McMaster Experts Profile from the Profile Manager
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each type of label you would like to add.
  8. The labels will take approximately 4 hours to be displayed on the public McMaster Experts profile.


The McMaster Experts Profile Manager is fully integrated with MacSphere – McMaster University’s Institutional Repository (IR). See Getting Started with MacSphere for more information about MacSphere.

Claimed publications in the Experts Profile Manager can be used to streamline the deposit of open access full text into MacSphere. Depositing your publications via Experts Manager simplifies the workflow and reduces the time and effort as the bibliographic information is already in Experts Manager.

By depositing the full text in MacSphere, you fulfill the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications requirement that peer-reviewed journal publications resulting from Tri-Agency (NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR) grants be freely accessible online within 12 months of publication. Additional information about Open Access publishing and its benefits is available.

Depositing Publications to MacSphere

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. Navigate to your list of publications by selecting "View All" on the Publication tile on the homepage:
    Viewing profile publications from the Research Profile Manager homepage
  3. From your list of publications, click on the blue "deposit" button to initiate the process of depositing your publication in MacSphere:
    Depositing publications to MacSphere from the Experts publication list
  4. On the deposit page, you are asked to review your deposit and attach a full-text version of your article.
    IMPORTANT: Before uploading an article, you should review the publisher’s policies to understand which versions of the article you can share and whether an embargo is required.
    • If shown, use the SHERPA RoMEO advice tab to get a summary of the Open Access route permitted for the Submitted, Accepted, or Published version of your article. In some cases, you may have to check the specific journal policies for permissions (a link to the journal policies is provided at the bottom of the SHERPA RoMEO record). If no advice is provided and/or you are unsure of the journal policy, contact the Library’s Scholarly Communication team ( for assistance.
    • When uploading a full-text article to deposit, you will have the option to use the file presented to you (if found elsewhere on the web), OR use the Browse button to select the article you wish to upload from your file directory.  
    • Once you have selected the appropriate file version, click the blue “Use this file” button. If additional files, such as figures or supplementary information, need to be uploaded, do so by clicking “Upload another file”.
      MacSphere publication deposit steps and options, including SHERPA RoMEO advice available and file selection options
  5. Once a file for a deposit has been selected, an embargo can be specified if required. If an article is embargoed, a record is created in MacSphere, but the full-text file is not downloadable until the embargo period expires. The embargo is applied from the date of deposit:
    Specifying an embargo for publications being deposited to MacSphere from the Profile Manager
  6. Clicking on Deposit will immediately deposit your publication in MacSphere. Please note that by depositing, you confirm that you agree to the MacSphere license.
  7. If you have any questions about depositing your publications in MacSphere, please contact If you experience difficulty depositing your publication to MacSphere via the McMaster Experts Profile Manager, please contact for support.

Where is McMaster Experts hosted? How is it protected?

  • McMaster Experts systems are hosted at McMaster and managed by the University Library and UTS; they also undergo periodic reviews by IT Security Services and the Privacy Office.

What information is shared publicly in a McMaster Experts profile? How is visibility controlled? 

  • A subset of the information managed in the McMaster Experts Profile Manager can be shared on public McMaster Experts profile pages.This includes:
    • Biographical information (name, appointments, and affilitations), 
    • Contact information (email and phone number / extension)
    • Websites, education and training, research areas
    • Scholarly and artistic works (publications, books, chapters, performances, presentations, etc.)
    • Teaching activities (registrar-managed courses only)
  • The visibility of most information types in McMaster Experts can be modified by the profile owner (or their delegate) in the Profile Manager. Information set to "Public" will appear on public McMaster Experts pages, while any set to "Internal" or "Private" will not be shared publicly and will only appear within the Profile Manager.

Who can view and edit information in the Profile Manager? 

  • The profile owner and any delegate that they assign can view and edit information within the profile. 
  • Department Chairs and any authorized department-level administrators can view and/or curate profile information and run group-level reports within a department. 
  • Faculty Deans and any authorized Faculty-level administrators can view and/or curate profile information and run group-level reports within a Faculty. 

CC License

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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