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McMaster Experts - Updated Version: Integrating ORCID iD

This guide covers changes that have been made to the McMaster Experts Profile Manager interface as of May 29, 2023.


What is ORCID iD?

ORCID iD is a unique identifier for individuals to use in their research, scholarship, and innovation activities. ORCID provides an unambiguous, transparent system for linking individuals to their research activities and outputs. ORCID iDs are an important element of managing research profiles. Learn more about using ORCID to track your research metrics and build a researcher profile.

Why use an ORCID iD?

  • When attached to publications and other academic works, ORCID iDs distinguish researchers from others with similar names and affiliations.
  • Researchers can use ORCID iDs to identify themselves (and their works) when interacting with organizations, publishers, and funders. 
  • Researchers can centralize and manage biographical and scholarly activity information in their ORCID profile, and control how that information is shared with others.
  • Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) -- such as McMaster Experts -- can be integrated with ORCID iD to automate information update on both systems.
  • ORCID can be connected to your MACID

How to Create and Manage an ORCID iD?

  • An ORCID iD can be created at
  • Please use your personal email when creating your ORCID account. That way, you can continue to use your ORCID iD if you move to a different institution.
  • Once created, an ORCID iD account can be connected to a McMaster MAC ID, allowing ORCID sign-on using MAC ID credentials. 
  • See the McMaster Health Sciences Library ORCID guide for more information on profile management.

What Does Connecting Your ORCID iD to Your MacID Do?

This allows McMaster members to log into their ORCID iD account using their MacID and password. Researchers can continue to use their ORCID credentials – this is just a convenience that reduces the burden of remembering an additional set of login credentials.

This page will cover the first-time institutional login setup, and signing in with your MACID once the setup is complete.

Institutional Login First-Time Setup

1. Navigate to the ORCID sign-in page.

2. Select the option to "Access through your institution"

Screen capture of ORCID sign in for institutional login

3. Select “McMaster University” as the organization name, and then select “Continue”.

4. You may be redirected to a MacID login page, where you can enter your standard MacID and password, and click “Login” – review and accept the Privacy Notice if prompted.

5. You will then be prompted to enter your ORCID iD credentials in order to finish linking the accounts:
Screen capture of ORCID number and password input for ORCID/MacID integration

6. If the login process in step 5 is successful, then the process has been successful, and you may now use your McMaster institutional login credentials (MacID and password) to log into ORCID.

Logging into ORCID with your MacID

Note: Institutional login must be enabled in order to log into ORCID using your MacID. Follow the instructions to enable institutional ORCID login before completing the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the ORCID sign in page.
  2. Select the option to “Access through your institution”.
  3. Select “McMaster University” as the organization name, and then select “Continue”.
  4. You may be redirected to a MacID login page, where you can enter your standard MacID and password.

Why Connect Your ORCID iD to Your Experts Profile?

Anyone with a McMaster Experts profile can connect their ORCID account with their Experts profile through the McMaster Experts Profile Manager. Connecting these two profiles allows information to be shared between the two systems; this helps keep both profiles synced and reduces duplication of effort in maintaining both profiles.

There are a number of ways the profiles can be connected, and the profile owner has complete control over how information flows between the two profiles.

Profile owners can enable any or all of the following features:

  1. Adding or claiming an ORCID iD within the Profile Manager, which improves automatic publication claiming in Experts.
  2. Enabling ORCID read access, which helps populate an Experts profile with publication records already claimed in an ORCID profile.
  3. Enabling ORCID write access, which sends publication records from an Experts profile to an ORCID profile.

See below for detailed instructions about how to enable any or all of the integration features.

Add an ORCID iD to a McMaster Experts Profile

  1. Log into the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (a guide on logging into the profile manager is available).
  2. Navigate the menu as follows: Menu (top right left) > My Profile > “Automatic Claiming” (under the “Settings” heading).
    • This page will show the external identifiers, including ORCID iD, that have already been confirmed as yours, as well as those that the system believes might be yours (based on other claimed publications, name, institution, and other pieces of data).
  3. Under the “Do these identify you?” heading,
    • If an ORCID iD that belongs to you is suggested, select “YES”
    • If an ORCID iD that does not belong to you is suggested, select “NO”
      Screen capture showing options to confirm or reject an ORCID suggested to support automatic claiming of publications
  4. If there are no suggested ORCID iDs, scroll below to the “Add External Profiles” heading and select “Add ORCID”:
    Screen capture illustrating where the option to add an ORCID to support automatic claiming is located
  5. Follow the prompts to authorize the connection between the Experts profile and ORCID.

Enabling a Read and/or Write Integration with an ORCID Profile

To enable and configure read and/or write integration between Experts and ORCID profiles:

  1. Ensure that you've added and connected your ORCID account within the McMaster Experts Profile Manager (see above).
  2. Navigate to Menu > My Profile > ORCID Settings (under the “Settings” heading):
    Screen capture demonstrating where to access ORCID account settings from Profile Manager main menu
  3. Select from one of three options to define how the McMaster Experts Profile Manager interacts with the connected ORCID iD:
    1. Read from and write publication data to my ORCID account - Send publications from the Profile Manager to ORCID. The Profile Manager will also read info from the ORCID account to improve search result accuracy.
    2. Read data from my ORCID account - The Profile Manager will read info from the ORCID account to improve search result accuracy.
    3. Only use my ORCID to support automatic claiming - A user's ORCID iD number will be used only to automatically claim publications. The Profile Manager will neither read from, nor write to the user’s ORCID account. If a user has previously claimed an ORCID iD, but not connected it, this setting will be preselected.
      Screen capture of ORCID configuration options in the Research Profile Manager
  4. If a user opts to enable option 3a above, there will be several additional options to determine which publications are sent to ORCID. If no selection is made, all publications (except those with private relationships) will be sent:
    1. For journal articles, send ‘published’ or ‘published online’ only - prevents journal articles that do not have a publication status of ‘published’ or ‘published online’ from being sent to ORCID.
    2. Send publications where you have marked your relationship as private - Users can opt to send publications with a private relationship to ORCID. 
    3. Only send favourite publications - If this option is chosen, the user will need to favourite the publication before it is sent. 
      NOTE: Publications with private relationships will not be sent to a user’s ORCID account. However, if a different user has a relationship with the same publication it can still be sent to that user’s ORCID account and appear publicly. Users can manage their publications with private relationships and favourite publications by clicking the “Review these publications” link. This will show publications, filtered to either publications with private links or favourite publications respectively.

Removing Publications from ORCID

Users have the option of removing all the publications they have sent to ORCID from their Experts account. This is achieved by navigating to Menu>ORCID Settings, then scrolling to the bottom and selecting the "Remove from ORCID" link.

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