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A Guide to Sustainability

Welcome to the Library Guide to Sustainability!

Discover sustainable practices and take action for a better future. This guide is curated by the McMaster University Library Sustainability Committee and designed to offer the campus community a range of relevant resources and information.

  • Learn about sustainability-related events and projects hosted by the Library
  • Find books, articles, websites, and initiatives on various topics of relevance, including energy, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, and food sustainability, among others.

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Earth Day: Featured Collection

Earth Day Featured Collection

Featured Collection: Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day (April 22nd) with our hand-picked collection of print and e-book titles that will take you on a journey towards a more sustainable future. Our featured collection showcases a diverse range of perspectives on environmentalism, ecology, and conservation, including a spotlight on Indigenous Voices and the Environment in a special sub-collection of titles written by Indigenous authors.

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