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Open Educational Resources (OER)

OER Grantees 2023-2024

Mark Busser, manager, Careers and Experiential Education
Open Content Creation: Careers in Local and Municipal Government

Anthony Chibba and Sharonna Greenberg, assistant professors, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Open Content Creation: Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology for the Students by the Students

Amin Reza Rajabzadeh, associate professor, and Konstantinos Apostolou, assistant professor, W. Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Open Content Creation: Interactive Open Educational Resources for Energy Balances in Chemical and Biochemical Processes

Miranda Schmidt, assistant professor; Sara Cormier, instructional assistant, and Kari Dalnoki-Veress, professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Open Content Creation: Manual for Introductory Physics Hybrid Labs

Erica Speakman, assistant professor, Social Psychology 
Open Content Creation: Exploring Social Psychological Theory

Christine Swintak, assistant professor, Integrated Arts Program
Open Content Creation: The AI for Artists Workbook

Rebecca Turner, instructional assistant, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Open Content Creation: Chemistry Lab Manuals 

Felicia Vulcu and Caitlin Mullarkey, associate professors, Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences 
Open Content Creation: BBS Thesis Course Guidebook

Ruhai Wu, associate professor, Marketing 
Open Content Creation: Digital Marketing