Open access is a growing international movement that continues to gain momentum worldwide. Based on the principle that all research should be freely accessible online after publication, open access removes barriers that once restricted public access to scholarly research and knowledge.
As of May 1st, 2015, open access is mandated by the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications. Open access refers to scholarly research that is made freely available on the internet. In a scholarly environment, open access often focuses on journal articles.
Advantageous of OA Publishing include:
The development of Open Access Publishing has seen the rise of predatory journals that seek to exploit the OA model. The primary goal of these journals is to make a profit by engaging in questionable editorial and publishing practices.
A Predatory Journal may:
For more information about predatory publishers, see the McMaster University How to Avoid Predatory Publishers and Conferences guide and checklist.
See also the Fall 2021 DMDS workshop recording entitled Predatory publishing in the era of open knowledge: Reducing the odds of falling prey