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Titles and links to full-text copies of all Business Administration PhD theses & dissertations completed at McMaster University.

Management of Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources [43]

Year Author Thesis Title
2024 Cheng, Minghui (Maggie) open accessThree essays on HRM algorithms: where do we go from here?
2024 Lefcoe, Alexandra Toxic positivity in the workplace [embargoed until May 6, 2025]
2023 El-Kebbi, Amr open accessThe nature, emergence, and impact of entrepreneurial identity in an entrepreneurship education context
2023 Gururaj, Hamsa open accessCompetent or warm? applying the stereotype content model to investigating the relationship between job performance and workplace aggression
2023 Naisani Samani, Mojan open accessThe theory of planned behaviour approach to identifying predictors of intentions to seek help for mental health issues among post-secondary students amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 Ghaedipour, Farnaz open accessThe autonomy paradox in platform work: a sociomaterial perspective on the work of Instagram content creators
2019 Sayin, Firat  open accessIdentity, employment, and inequality: an examination of immigrants with disabilities
2018 Nassif, Afif 

open accessHeterogeneity and centrality of “dark personality” within teams, emergence of shared leadership, and team performance: test of a moderated-mediation model

2017 Chiu, Raymond open accessBeliefs that matter: workplace religiousness and spirituality across cultures 
2017 Zeng, Zhaocheng (Elly) open accessA systematic analysis of entrepreneurial learning: practice and effects
2016 Tabatabaei, Mir Hossein open accessPoverty, stress, and happiness: examining the moderating role of psychological capital on the relation between poverty and happiness among farmers and fish farmers in Ghana
2015 Wang, Chun-Hsiao (Darren) open accessCan high performance work systems transfer organizational citizenship behavior from a discretionary to a sustainable advantage? The questions of how, why, and when 
2015 Zadeh, Farimah Hakem  open accessEvidence based management: theory, model, test, template
2015 Zanhour, Mona open accessOrganizational work-family resources, role overload and the work-family interface: the mediating role of balance self-efficacy
2014 Skowronski, Mark open accessWork stress in the context of shiftwork: a longitudinal investigation
2013 Chowhan, James open accessHigh performance work systems: a causal framework of training, innovation, and organizational performance in Canada
2013 McNally, Jeff open accessExamining the consequences of employee perceptions of the employee-organization relationship
2013 Tuer, Frances
2012 Martin, Bruce open accessEntrepreneurship as a means of improving the social and economic conditions of persons with disabilities
2011 Bedi, Akanksha open accessWe appreciate your business, not your abuse: incivility by customers predicts revenge toward customers 
2011 Mirowska, Agata open accessCharacter at work: a virtues approach to creativity and emotion regulation
2011 Wang, Gordon (Qi) open accessA conceptual and empirical investigation of leader virtues and virtuous leadership
2011 Wilkin (nee Austin), Christa open accessThe green-eyed monster strikes back: moderators and mediators of distributive justice and theft
2010 Celani, Anthony open accessAntecedents and consequences of collectivistic group norms
2010 Yousofpourfard, Haniyeh open accessCultural intelligence: a new approach to manage teamwork in culturally diverse teams 
2009 Ababneh, Khaldoun open accessThe role of attribution and fairness in understanding job applicant reactions to selection procedures and decisions
2009 Kuzmenko, Tetyana open accessThe effects of transformational and transactional leadership on individual creative performance: role of follower's motivation, identity and self-esteem
2009 Richards, David open accessIndividual differences and leader-subordinate relationships: examining the relations between individual attachment, emotion regulation, leader-member exchange, and employee behaviour 
2007 Chhinzer, Nita Navpreet open accessEvaluating layoff techniques: a policy-capturing study of voluntary versus involuntary layoffs
2007 Jiao, Changquan open accessThe effects of leader-member exchange on employee conceptualizations and displays of organizational citizenship behaviour: a mediational model
2006 Cooke, Gordon open accessThe nature and incidence of non-standard work arrangements
2006 Lillevik, Waheeda open accessIndividual differences in group interaction behaviour: cultural differences in the exhibition of organizational citizenship behaviours
2006 Zhang, Haiyan open accessAntecedents and consequences of organizational justice: an investigation in China
2005 Ng, Eddy Su-Whay open accessEmployment equity and organizational diversity performance: the role of CEOs' characteristics and commitment
2005 Sears, Greg open accessThe dispositional antecedents of leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behaviours: a process perspective
2003 Al-Waqfi, Mohammed open accessThe effects of a skill-based pay systems on employee organizational commitment and role orientations
2002 Zinni, Deborah M. open accessParticipation decisions by local union members: the theory of planned behavior and personality
2001 Lapierre, Laurent open accessUnderstanding the links between work commitment constructs
1999 Romaine, Janet open accessThe influence of organizational culture and gender salience on managers' decision-making styles
1998 Singh, Parbudyal open accessThe effects of firm strategy on the level and structure of CEO compensation : evidence from the Canadian metal mining industry
1997 Hausdorf, Peter Alexander open accessUnderstanding the impact of pre-interview information on the reliability, validity, accuracy and differential validity of employment interview decisions: comparisons across interview question type, rating scale and scoring protocols
1997 Kichuk, Susan open accessThe effect of general cognitive ability, teamwork KSA's, and the "Big Five" personality factors on the performance of engineering design teams: implications for the selection of teams
1997 Taggar, Simon open accessPersonality, cognitive ability and behaviour : the antecedents of effective autonomous work teams
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