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Titles and links to full-text copies of all Business Administration PhD theses & dissertations completed at McMaster University.

Information Systems [66]

Year Author Thesis Title
2024 Farrokhi, Aydin Understanding mixed reality immersion in online learning: a socio-spatial and social presence perspective [embargoed until April 19, 2025]
2024 Lopez, Eduardo open accessTowards eXplainable artificial antelligence (XAI) in cybersecurity
2024 Mohamadean, Ahmed open accessTrust and its antecedents in semi-autonomous information systems: the case of bitcoin
2023 Abdelhalim, Esraa open accessThe willingness to collaborate with artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace: the role of AI autonomy and explainability
2023 Abouei, Mahdi open accessData science professionals’ innovation with big data analytics: the essential role of commitment and organizational context
2023 Akgul, Mehmet open accessThe effect of consumer attitudinal disposition in online review knowledge transfer
2023 Gavrilidou, Galini open accessImpact of super user support on user perceptions and satisfaction with integrative technologies: a social presence perspective
2023 Javdan, Mohsen open accessBig data analytics implementation in small and medium sized enterprises: the perspectives of managers and data analysts
2023 Mujib, Maheeya open accessThe impact of different types of social media engagement on parasocial interactions and relationships: a user’s perspective 
2022 Ozmen Tokcan, Zeynep open accessThe impact of online product presentation interactivity on product innovativeness perception
2022 Sohail, Maarif open accessCustomer attitudes towards the use of intelligent conversational agents
2021 Eapen, Bellraj open accessTowards a theory of adoption and design for clinical decision support systems
2021 Lobana, Jodie open accessThe governance of AI-based information technologies within corporate environments
2021 Munawar, Mariam open accessThe impact of homophily and herd size on decision confidence in the e-commerce context: a social identity approach
2019 Eslami, Seyed Pouyan open accessUnderstanding users’ action on data analytics recommendations
2019 Mashayekhy, Morteza open accessDeveloping social capital through professionally-oriented social network sites
2019 Nosrati, Fariba open accessThe use of digital storytelling for impression management by city cultural organizations
2019 O'Brien, Nicole open accessDoes social networking site usage by older adults reduce loneliness?
2018 Farivar, Samira open accessOnline social commerce users behaviors: three studies

Ebrahimi, Sepideh

open accessDemographic transparency to combat discriminatory data analytics recommendations
2017 Abouzahra, Mohamed  open accessExploring the continuous use of knowledge-based clinical decision support systems and its relationship with knowledge transition
2016 Dohan, Michael open accessThe importance of Healthcare Informatics Competencies (HICs) for service innovation in paramedicine: a mixed-methods investigation
2016 Ghasemaghaei, Maryam open accessOnline product recommendation agents design: the role of cognitive age and agent comprehensiveness
2016 Owen, Kenneth open accessMotivation and demotivation of hackers in the selection of a hacking task – a contextual approach
2015 Aria, Reza open accessThe role of support and sustainability elements in the adoption of a self-management support system for chronic illnesses 
2015 Zhiling, Tu open accessEffective information security management: a critical success factors analysis
2014 Camacho, Sonia open accessCyberbullying impacts on users’ satisfaction with information and communication technologies: the role of perceived cyberbullying severity
2014 Gilbert, John open accessConsumer identity theft prevention and identity fraud detection behaviours:  an application of the theories of planned behaviour and protection motivation
2014 Mojdeh, Sana open accessUnderstanding knowledge sharing in web 2.0 online communities: a socio- technical study
2014 Saremi, Hamed Qahri open accessAn elaboration likelihood model perspective on the effectiveness of electronic word of mouth recommendations
2014 Sepehr, Sepandar  open accessUnderstanding the role of competition in video gameplay satisfaction
2013 Assadi, Vahid open accessAdoption of integrated personal health record systems: a self-determination theory perspective 
2013 Daglish, David open accessElectronic personal health records: a matter of trust
2013 Laugesen, John open accessAdoption of electronic personal health records by chronic disease patients: integrating protection motivation theory and task-technology fit
2013 Pittaway, Jeffrey open accessDynamic IT capabilities and IT governance: theory development and empirical examination
2013 Way, Steven  open accessRequirements analysis for a context-aware multi-agency emergency response system
2011 Booker, Lorne open accessInformation literacy instruction in business schools: factors affecting the adoption of online library resources by business students
2011 Fevrier-Thomas, Urslin open accessElectronic medical records interface design considerations for improving outcomes for diabetes management in primary care: a usability study
2011 Wagner, Nicole open accessThe impact of age on Web site usability
2010 Guo, Ken Huijin open accessInformation systems security misbehavior in the workplace: the effects of job performance expectation and workgroup norm
2010 Ruhi, Mohammad Umar open accessSocio-technical determinants of member participation in virtual communities: an exploratory mixed methods investigation 
2010 Xiang, Junlian open accessBusiness process redesign project implementation and outcomes -- a proposed model and its validation
2010 Zhao, Li open accessSharing knowledge in virtual communities: factors affecting a member’s intention to share
2009 Breward, Michael open accessFactors influencing consumer attitudes towards biometric identity authentication technology within the Canadian banking industry
2007 Cocosila, Mihail open accessUser acceptance of wireless text messaging in telehealth: a case for adherence
2007 Harold, Allan open accessThe impact of information seeking mode and web atmospherics on consumer perceived value and interaction with web sites
2007 Turel, Ofir Predictors of disputants' intentions to use online dispute resolution services: the roles of justice and trust
2007 Zheng, Wuping open accessThe nature of mobile work and the needs for mobile work technology support: a task-technology fit perspective
2006 Bliemel, Michael open accessConsumer satisfaction with online health information: a theoretical model and an empirical study
2006 Coursaris, Constantinos open accessContextual usability: the impact of distractions and expectations on performance, satisfication and adoption of mobile devices for wireless data services 
2005 Bhandari, Gokul open accessIncorporating cognitive support in investment DSS
2005 Serenko, Alexander open accessUser adoption of interface agents for email
2005 Wang, Shan open accessBuyer-supplier relationships and the adoption of business to business electronic marketplaces
2004 McLaren, Tim open accessInformation system capabilities and emergent competitive strategies: an investigation of the strategic fit of supply chain management information systems
2004 Wang, Fang open accessElectronic retailing: an analysis of Web impacts and relationship marketing opportunities
2003 Li, Xiaoqing open accessAgent based buddy finding methodology for knowledge sharing
2003 Sproule, Susan open accessSoftware agents in electronic commerce: a decision support systems approach
2002 Copertari, Luis F. open accessTime, cost and performance tradeoffs in project management
1998 Ghasemzadeh, Fereidoun open accessProject portfolio selection : a decision support approach
1997 Head, Milena M. open accessUser interface features : facilitating information access and decision making
1997 Suarga, Suarga open accessDesign and implementation of collective bargaining support system (CBSS) : a web-based negotiation support system
1995 Gupta, Kalyan Moy open accessA framework for the design and development of diagnostic case-based reasoning systems
1992 Kao, Diana open accessAbstraction in conceptual model design
1992 Murphy, Michael John open accessA framework for testing the learning of cognition-based human-computer interfaces
1990 Wang, Shouhong open accessNeural network techniques in managerial pattern recognition 
1989 Dececchi, Tom open accessA four factor model for the selection of a systems development approach
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