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Sources for conducting PESTEL analysis


Socio-cultural factors consider such things as societal values, attitudes, and lifestyle choices that impact businesses. These factors also include demographics (population size, age distribution) and population analytics (population growth).

open accessCanadian Megatrends (Statistics Canada)
Explores some of the changes that have had a lasting impact on Canadian society and economy.

open accessCensus Canada 2021
Search or browse for Canadian Census data (e.g., population, age, sex, income, housing, education, labour, language, etc.)  for various levels of geography (national, provincial, city/place, postal code, etc.)

Best Bet!McMaster Users OnlyConsumer Lifestyles for Canada via Passport 
Select the Consumers menu across the top of Passport and select Lifestyles. Go to the Country Reports box and select a Category (e.g., Consumer Overview, Consumer Types, Megatrends, Consumer Values, Consumer Behaviour or Consumers Tomorrow) and a Geography (i.e., Canada) from the drop-down menus. Select GO to retrieve the report(s).

open accessEmployment and Social Development Canada - Labour Market Information
Information on jobs, skills and local labour market trends provided by Employment and Social Development Canada, a federal government agency.

FP Markets - Canadian Demographics
Provides basic statistics on Canadian population, households, incomes and retail sales projections at the federal, provincial and city level.
Location: MILLS Library Bookstacks and Storage HC 111.S96
NOTE: This title has ceased publication.

McMaster Users OnlyIBISWorld
Provides access to U.S., Canadian, provincial and global industry market research reports. Search for industries by keyword(s) or browse a list of industries defined according to the five digit NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) level. Chapters to consider include Industry Performance, Products & Markets, and Competitive Forces and Key External Drivers..

open accessPew Research Center (primarily U.S. content)
Site provides results from studies of American behaviours and attitudes. Subjects covered include family, education, health, personal finance, work, and leisure. Search for keyword(s) or browse using the menus across the top of the page (i.e.,  Research Topics All Publications, etc.) 

Best Bet!McMaster Users OnlyStatista
Contains over one million statistics on thousands of topics from over 18,000 sources. Includes market forecasts, dossiers, industry reports, infographics, and market outlooks for countries worldwide, including Canada.

open accessMake Shift (, 2002 to current
Bi-weekly bulletins which profile emerging consumer trends worldwide.

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