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A Guide to Newspapers

News Databases A-Z

Below is a listing of news databases available to current McMaster students, faculty and staff with a MacID.  If you don't see a specific database or news source on this page, search for the title in Omni.

News Databases at McMaster

Title Content Date Coverage
17th & 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers Search and read full page and article images (PDF) of 17th and 18th century English news media (i.e., pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks & newspapers). Historical
1604-1804; varies by title
17th & 18th Century Nichols Newspapers Collection Search and read full page and article images (PDF) of 17th and 18th century newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and broadsheets.  Historical
1672-1737; varies by title
19th Century British Library Newspapers (Parts I to V) Search and read full page and article images (PDF) of selected newspapers originally published in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales between 1800 and 1900. Historical
1800-1950; varies by title
19th Century U.S. Newspapers Search and read full page and article images (PDF) from nearly 400 nineteenth century U.S. newspapers. Historical
1800-1899; varies by title
African Newspapers: The British Library Collection Search and read full page and article images (PDF) from nearly 60 newspapers from across the African continent. Historical
1800-1900; varies by title
BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts

Includes transcripts of global radio and television broadcasts, telegraph, and news sources translated into English and summarized by the BBC Monitoring Service. British news sources.

British Newsreels, 1911-1930 Includes over 6,000 silent newsreels produced by the Topical Film Company. British news videos. Historical
Calgary Herald Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Calgary Herald. Canadian newspaper. Historical
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Provides indexing for 8 Canadian newspapers and other news sources. Current
1980s-2001; varies by title
Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876 Search or browse full page and article images (PDF) from over 140  newspapers from the Carribbean region. Historical
1718-1876; varies by title
Chicago Defender  Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Chicago Defender. U.S. newspaper. Historical
CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals)  Provides indexing and selected full-text for approximately 200 Canadian newspapers, most of which are local or regional news titles published by Torstar. Current
1980s-present; varies by title
The Economist Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of The Economist. British publication. Current & Historical
Factiva Provides indexing and selected full-text for approximately 2,500 news sources worldwide. Current
1970s-present; varies by title
Financial Times Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Financial Times. British newspaper.

Current & Historical

Gale Primary Sources Cross-search several British and U.S. historical news databases that appear on this list.  Historical
1600s-2010s; varies by title
The Globe and Mail Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of Globe and Mail. Canadian newspaper. Current & Historical
May 8, 1844 to 4 years ago
The Guardian Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of The Guardian. British newspaper.


The Hamilton Spectator Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of The Hamilton Spectator. Canadian newspaper. Current & Historical 1852-2010, also [2011 to  one week ago] - may be incomplete
Indigenous Newspapers of North America Includes nearly 200 years of Indigenous print journalism from the U.S. and Canada. Historical
1828-2016; varies by title
Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of 145 titles with over 150,000 digitized pages. English language publications primarily from the U.S. and U.K. Historical
1845-2015; varies by title
Le Monde Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of Le Monde. French-language newspaper from France. Historical
Montreal Gazette Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Montreal GazetteCanadian newspaper. Current & Historical
January 2, 1857 to 2 weeks ago
National Post Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of  the National PostCanadian newspaper Current
January 1, 2011 to 2 weeks ago
The New York Times Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the New York Times. U.S. newspaper. Current & Historical
September 18, 1851 to 1 month ago
The New York Tribune / Herald Tribune Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the New York Tribune / Herald Tribune. U.S. newspaper. Historical
Nexis Uni Provides indexing and selected full-text for hundreds of news sources worldwide. Current
1970s-present; varies by title
The Observer Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of The Observer. British newspaper. Historical
Ottawa Citizen Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of  the Ottawa CitizenCanadian newspaper Historical
ProQuest News & Newspapers Search the full-text of several Canadian, British, French, Indian and U.S newspapers (all of which are listed separately on this guide).  Provides full page and article images (PDF). Current & Historical
1790s-2020s; varies by title; usually a lag of months or days for most recent issues
Regional Business News Provides indexing and selected full text for 80 business journals, newspapers and newswires from metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Current
1960s-present; varies by title
Sabinet Discover - includes Sabinet’s News Services Contains SA Media, a news research and clipping service, the South African Press Association’s Archive from 1977 to 2015 and all African News Agency’s newswires from 2015 to September 2022. South African news sources. Current & Historical
1977-2022; varies by title
Service Newspapers of World War Two

Contains 300 titles from key nations across the globe that took part in the Second World War. Includes an extensive range of both rare and well-known wartime publications for soldiers serving in major theatres around the world.

1939-1948; varies by title
The Sunday Times Digital Archive Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Sunday Times. British newspaper. Historical
The Times Digital Archive Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Times of LondonBritish newspaper. Historical
The Times Literary Supplement Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Times Literary Supplement (TLS)British publication. Historical
Times of India Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Times of India. English-language newspaper from India. Historical
Toronto Star Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Toronto StarCanadian publication. Current & Historical
January 2, 1894 to 3 months ago
The Vancouver Sun Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of The Vancouver SunCanadian publication Current
January 1, 2011 to 2 weeks ago
The Wall Street Journal Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Wall Street Journal. U.S. newspaper. Current & Historical
July 8, 1889 to a few days  ago
The Washington Post Provides full page and article images (PDF) with searchable full-text of the Washington Post. U.S. newspaper. Current & Historical
December 6,1877 to a few days ago
World Newspaper Archive Provides full page article images to historical 19th and early 20th century newspapers from Latin America, Africa and South Asia Historical
1800-1922; varies by title