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A Guide to Journal Articles

Database - Troubleshooting

If you're not getting back the desired results it means you need to revise your search strategy. Research is an ongoing process and you will have to play around with the number and type of keywords that you use. 

Here are some tips for when you're struggling with your research:

  • Broaden your search topic, you may have included too many keywords or been too specific in your search, take a step back and try again.
  • Extrapolate from related research, there may not be information available on your topic but you may be able to apply research from a related area.
  • Remember that terminology changes over time so try some older terms.
  • Try at least 3 different databases including a subject specific database. There may be some overlap in resources but each database will bring you some unique resources.
  • Look at the results you're getting and consider whether there is a different approach you can take to your research.
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