How to use:
Click the "visit site" link above.
This website is a directory of online journal abbreviation conversion resources. It contains the following categories:
Each of these categories contain links to external websites. Be aware: Some links are broken.
How to Use:
Click the "visit site" link above.
There are two search methods: Current abbreviations are separated from the earlier (retrospective) abbreviations.
In Current Abbreviations, the list is divided alphabetically. Click the letter that begins your abbreviation. For example, to find Am J Phys Anthropol, click "A".
Find your abbreviation.
To search the older, retrospective abbreviations, scroll down the main page until you see the following image and repeat the steps above.
How to Use:
Click the "visit site" link above.
Unlike the other journal abbreviation listings, JAbbr functions by comparing the abbreviation entered in the search engine to all possible journal abbreviations, then returning a list of possible matches. The user must deduce which is the journal they are seeking.
How to Use:
Click the "visit site" link above.
This resource lists the full names of journals in alphabetical order, followed by their abbreviations. Most abbreviations, retain the first letter of the first major word in the title, for example: Journal of African Studies = J Afr Stud
From the main page, choose the letter that your journal title abbreviation begins with.
How to Use:
Click the "visit site" link above.
The TOCS-IN journal abbreviation list is presented alphabetically in a text (.txt) file:
Scroll down the list to see if the abbreviation you are looking for is included.
How to Use: