- type the journal title in the search box and click "Go"
- if you get too many results, change the radio button from "Contains" to "Starts with" and click "Go" again
- if your journal isn't listed, go to 2
- under the journal you want, click the "Get It!" button
- in the popup window or new tab, all the different providers for the journal are listed, and their years or volumes of coverage
- click the provider that includes the year or volume you need
- if it says: "Available from 1996 volume: 11 issue:1" ...it means we have everything from then to the current issue
- at the provider page, look for a link to the past years, volumes or issues, and navigate to the year, volume, issue and page you require for your article
- if none of the providers include your year/volume, go to 2
- if none of the providers include your year/volume in the Get it! window, click "Check for a print copy in our Library Catalogue"
- if we have the journal in print on the shelf, details of where it is and what years are covered will be shown in a new window or tab
- if there's nothing listed, go to 3
Option 1: Keyword Search
- type the journal or magazine title into the search box
- change the drop-down menu on the right from "Anywhere" to "Journal Title"
- click the Find button
- if too many results
- enclose your journal title in "double quotes"
- limit your search by clicking on the right side of the search results under Format>Journal or Format>eJournal
- NOTE: some periodicals change titles so try alternate titles if you know any (e.g., Harper's new monthly magazine changed to Harper's monthly magazine to Harper's magazine to Harper's)
Option 2: Browse Search
- Under More Options (in the footer of the library catalogue home page), select Browse Alphabetically
- change the drop-down menu on the right from "By Topic" to "By Title"
- type the journal or magazine title into the search box
- click on the Browse button
- gives you a list of titles in alphabetical order, from which you can pick the relevant one(s)
- in both options, you may find your journal or magazine either in print or online
- if your journal or magazine is not listed, we don't have a subscription to the title; you may get the article you need through RACER; it typically takes 7-10 days for the photocopied article to arrive
- The library that holds it (Mills, Innis, Thode or Health Sciences)
- The location within that library (Serials Stacks, Periodicals, etc.)
- How it is arranged at that location
- Mills arranges by call number
- Innis arranges alphabetically by title (call numbers are noted in the catalogue)
- Thode arranges alphabetically by title/range number
- Health Sciences arranges alphabetically by title
Understanding the "Location" tab
The location tab tells you:
- the library and location within the library, e.g.,
- HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY, Health Sciences Journals-Lower Level
- the journal is on the lower level of the Health Sciences Library in the Journals area
- MILLS LIBRARY, 3rd floor: the journal is on the third floor of Mills Memorial Library
- whether we have the issue(s) you need, e.g.,
- We have: v.1 (1979) - v. 24 (2003)
MISSING: v.4 (1983): no.2-no.4
- this means we have all paper issues from v.1 (1979) to v.24 (2003) EXCEPT issues no. 2, 3 and 4 of volume 4, 1983.
- N.B. if you see a note: "Print cancelled. Now available online", it means we have the listed issues in paper, but are getting the current issues in online format only
- for online journals (e-journals):
- click a Get it! button or a link labelled "Access this resource" to connect to the issues/years available