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Sources for conducting PESTEL analysis


Economic factors include conditions of the overall economy, such as its growth or decline, inflation rate, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, economic growth patterns, and unemployment rates. These factors are determinants of the company's performance and longevity.

open accessCanadian Megatrends (Statistics Canada)
Explores some of the changes that have had a lasting impact on Canadian society and economy.


Best Bet!McMaster Users OnlyConference Board of Canada inFact
Contains Canadian, provincial and metropolitan data and analysis. Reports include economic indicators such as employment, income, industry outlook, housing starts, migration and more.

Best Bet!McMaster Users OnlyEIU Viewpoint (Economist Intelligence Unit)
Provides access to current economic data and commentary on countries around the world. Select a country from the Geography drop-down menu to find reports containing economic data and political analysis for a country. Use Search to find specific content on a country or topic across the entire platform.


McMaster Users OnlyIBISWorld
Provides access to U.S., Canadian, provincial and global industry market research reports. Search for industries by keyword(s) or browse a list of industries defined according to the five digit NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) level. Reports include detailed performance data and analysis, supply chain information, forecasts, operating strengths and weaknesses, analysis of external drivers, major player marketing strategies, and industry profit. Key chapters for this section include Performance and Products & Markets.


McMaster Users OnlyPassport
Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and consumers worldwide.


McMaster Users OnlyStatista
Contains over one million statistics on thousands of topics from over 18,000 sources. Includes market forecasts, dossiers, industry reports, infographics, and market outlooks for countries worldwide, including Canada.

Economic Business Information Websites

open accessIndustry Canada SME Research and Statistics
Research on small and medium-sized enterprises by Industry Canada.

open accessThe Daily Indicators (Statistics Canada)
Up-to-date financial information from Canada's national statistics agency. Use the search and/or drop-down menus to find information. 

open accessBMO Economics - Economics publications by BMO .

open accessCIBC Economics - Economics publications published by CIBC.

open accessNational Bank of Canada Economic AnalysisEconomic News and reports by the National Bank of Canada.

open accessRBC Economics - Royal Bank of Canada economics publications.

open accessScotiabank Economics - Economic publications by Scotiabank.

open accessTD Economics - Economic publications by TD Bank.

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