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How Do I Find Canadian Case Law?

Guide to Canadian case law reporters available at McMaster.

McMaster University does not have a law school or program, so the Library's collection of legal resources is relatively modest. Below is a listing of our key Canadian case law reporters, most of which are accessible through the databases Nexis Uni, BestCase and HeinOnline.

Key Canadian Case Law Reporters at McMaster

Case Law Reporter Online Format Print Format
Access via
Location /
Call No.
Alberta Judgments
cited as: A.J.
1954-present; selected significant decisions 1911-1953 Nexis Uni* - -
All Canada Weekly Summaries 
cited as:
1977-present BestCase  - -
British Columbia and Yukon Judgments
cited as: B.C.J. and Y.J.
B.C.: partial coverage, 1867-present;
Yukon: partial coverage, 1970-
Nexis Uni* - -
Canada Industrial Relations Board Decisions
cited as: C.I.R.B.D.
Nexis Uni*
Canada Industrial Relations Board
1974-2007 MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA1 L 100-D23 &
CA1 L 100-R22
Canadian Criminal Cases
cited as: C.C.C.
1898-present BestCase - -
Canadian Human Rights Reporter
cited as: C.H.R.R.
1980-present CHRR Online 1980-2004 MILLS (3rd floor)
KE 4381 .A6C3
Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries 
cited as: C.L.A.S.
1986-present BestCase - -
Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports
cited as: C.L.R.B.R.
- - 1974-2019 MILLS (3rd floor)
KE .C4
Canadian Rights Reporter
cited as: C.R.R.
- - 1982-present MILLS (3rd floor)
JC 599 .C3C36
Criminal Reports
cited as: C.R.
- - 1967-1992 MILLS (3rd floor)
KE .C752
Dominion Law Reports
cited as: D.L.R.
1912-present BestCase 1912-2008 MILLS (3rd floor)
K .D65
Exchequer Court Reports
cited as: Ex. C.R.
1877-1971 Nexis Uni* 1895-1970 MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA1 J 41-C13
Federal Court Reports = Recueil des decisions des Cour federales
cited as: F.C., C.F., F.C.R. or R.C.F.


Federal Court of Canada
Federal Judicial Affairs Canada

Nexis Uni*
1971-present MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA1 J 65-F21
Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
cited as: F.P.S.L.R.E.B. or P.S.L.R.E.B. 
[1996-present] Federal Public Sector Labour
Relations and Employment Board
1982-2004 MILLS GovPubs
2nd floor)
CA1 CS 25-D21
Jugements du Quebec
cited as: J.Q.
1951-present; selected significant decisions 1883-1950 Nexis Uni* - -
Labour Arbitration Cases
cited as: L.A.C.
1948-present BestCase 1948-2001 MILLS (3rd floor)
HD 5507 .L2
Land Compensation Reports
cited as: L.C.R.
1971-present BestCase - -
Manitoba Judgments
cited as: M.J.
1960-present; selected significant decisions 1896-1959 Nexis Uni* - -
New Brunswick Judgments
cited as: N.B.J.
1947-present; selected significant decisions 1908-1946 Nexis Uni* - -
Newfoundland and Labrador Judgments
cited as: N.J.
1970-present; selected significant decisions 1948-1969 Nexis Uni* - -
Northwest Territories Judgments
cited as: N.W.T.J.
1970-present Nexis Uni* - -
Nova Scotia Judgments
cited as: N.S.J.
1948-present; selected significant decisions 1893-1947 Nexis Uni* - -
Nunavut Judgments
cited as: Nu. J.
1999-present Nexis Uni* - -
Ontario Judgments
cited as: O.J.
1823-present Nexis Uni* - -
Ontario Labour Relations Board Reports
cited as: O.L.R.B.R.
Nexis Uni*
1961-2007 MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA2 ON LR-054
Ontario Municipal Board Reports
cited as: O.M.B.R.
1972-present BestCase 1982-2008 MILLS (3rd floor)
KEO 866.4 .M86
Ontario Reports
cited as: O.R.
1931-present Nexis Uni* 1901-1959
MILLS (3rd floor)
KE. O62a
Pay Equity Reports
cited as: P.E.R.
- - 1990-2003 MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA2 ON L270-P22
Prince Edward Island Judgments
cited as: P.E.I.J.
1977-present; selected significant decisions 1922-1969 Nexis Uni* - -
Saskatchewan Judgments
cited as: S.J.
1959-present Nexis Uni* - -
Supreme Court of Canada Decisions, Judgments or Reports 
cited as: S.C.C. ,S.C.J. and S.C.R.


Nexis Uni*
Supreme Court of Canada

1867-2013 MILLS GovPubs
2nd floor)
CA1 J21 - L16
Tax Court of Canada Judgments
cited as: T.C.C.
Nexis Uni*
Tax Court of Canada
- -
Weekly Criminal Bulletin 
cited as: W.C.B.
1977-present BestCase - -
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal Reporter - Ontario
cited as: W.S.I.A.T. Reporter
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
1990-2005 MILLS GovPubs
(2nd floor)
CA2ONL 250-R27
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