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Soc Sci 1SS3 (Hough) - Winter 2022


For a good explanation of Secondary Resources check out this link:


A box describing that a secondary source is a creative work that analyzes and interprets primary sources.

For a good explanation of Primary Resources check out these links:


A box describing that a primary source is an original firsthand account of a time or event.

How to Evaluate Resources

Critical Reading Strategies

1. Preview: See what you can learn about a text before reading it.

2. Contextualize: Situate a text in its historical, biographical and cultural contexts.

3. Question: Ask questions about the text in order to understand it.

4. Reflect: Consider whether this text challenged any of your preexisting beliefs. 

5. Summarize: Outline and identify main ideas in your own words.

6. Evaluate: Assess the credibility and logic of the text.

7. Compare:Consider similarities and differences between this text and others.

(adapted from:

Scholarly Versus Popular

infographic explaining the difference between scholarly and popular resources

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